Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management


The Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management at UJA opens the door to management positions in companies and public and private institutions.

This degree course will equip you to lead public and private organisations and companies, boosting your leadership and team work skills and encouraging you to apply ethical values to your professional practice. The programme covers the most up-to-date developments in the sector and offers excellent employability outcomes in a variety of fields.

Graduates from the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management at the University of Jaén are partially exempted from auditing theory courses and from the first phase of the entrance exam for the Official Register of Auditors accredited by the Spanish Government Institute of Accounting and Accounts Auditing.

Double undergraduate programmes

The Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management is also available as a joint degree in combination with Law and Accounting and Finance at the University of Jaén, or as an international joint degree with:

Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management in ENGLISH

The Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management is also available in English (Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management). Only a limited number of places are available and a minimum level of B1 in English is required. This degree programme in English offers future graduates excellent opportunities and a significant advantage in corporate and professional activities with a vital international component.

  • Estudiantes en un aula
  • Estudiantes en un aula
  • Estudiantes en la biblioteca
  • Grupo de estudiantes

  • To train you to lead and manage companies and public and private institutions.
  • To equip you with the skills needed to manage, guide and evaluate companies.
  • To familiarise you with the departments in a company: production, human resources, finance, marketing, investment, administration and accounting.
  • To train you to improve administration and management outcomes for companies & institutions.
  • To equip you to identify and anticipate market opportunities to allocate resources and organise information.
  • To equip you to make decisions to achieve short, medium and long-term objectives.
  • To train you to select and motivate a team.
  • To train you to assess and evaluate business management outcomes.

The course summary contains the full list of academic skills certified by the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management at the University of Jaén.

El perfil de ingreso ideal para aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades que te ofrece el Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas de la Universidad de Jaén es el de una persona como tú, con capacidad de organización, de trabajo en equipo, de interpretar y aplicar conocimientos, de análisis crítico y síntesis, con conocimientos básicos de informática y de inglés.

Pre-enrolment and allocation of places will be carried out in a centralised manner by the Andalusian Single District Commission. Up-to-date deadlines and procedures can be found on their website.

This link contains specific information from UJA about pre-enrolment and enrolment procedures, deadlines, fees, etc.

  • Master's degree in Business Administration
  • Master's degree in Public Law and Administration
  • Master's degree in Economics and Territorial Development
  • Master's degree in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour
  • Master's degree in Sustainable Planning and Management of Tourism
  • Master's degree in Olive Growing and Olive Oil
  • Master's degree in Advanced Studies in Cultural Heritage, History, Art and Territory
  • Master's degree in Secondary Teacher Training
  • Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention

The University of Jaén’s policy is to centralise the use of the spaces on the campus in order to optimise their occupation while meeting the specific needs of the courses delivered. These shared facilities will be used in part during this degree programme. Although they are not exclusively for use by the students on the programme, it is important to acknowledge their presence as the University allocates certain time slots and facilities to each degree programme from among the available classrooms, laboratories and IT rooms depending on the specific needs of the programmes and in coordination with the other courses taught at the University.

Additional information about University of Jaén facilities:

As well as the resources listed, the University of Jaén offers additional material resources and services, which may be grouped into three main blocks: Library, ICT and Accessibility & Disability Services.

Academic Information

Academic information

This section contains important information and all the links you need to find out more about your degree programme, condensing and supplementing the description provided in the course summary, where you will find additional information.

Once you have completed your enrolment, you will be able to visit the Virtual Teaching-Learning Platform (PLATEA) for your course, where you will find extra materials and information.

Distribution of the Study Plan in ECTS credits by type of subject
Core courses 60
Compulsory courses 144
Elective courses 30
Bachelor’s dissertation 6
Total credits 240

First Year

First Year Courses
Semester Courses Language Credits
1st Introduction to Economics Spanish 6
1st Business Administration Spanish 6
1st Economic History Spanish 6
1st Introduction to Accounting Spanish 6
1st Mathematics I Spanish 6
2nd Introduction to Law Spanish 6
2nd Microeconomics Spanish 6
2nd Introduction to Finance Spanish 6
2nd Fundamentals of Marketing Spanish 6
2nd Statistics I Spanish 6

Second Year

Second Year Courses
Semester Courses Language Credits
1st Macroeconomics Spanish 6
1st Human Resources Management Spanish 6
1st Financial Accounting Spanish 6
1st Mathematics II Spanish 6
1st Statistics II Spanish 6
2nd Spanish Financial System Spanish 6
2nd Financial Statements Spanish 6
2nd Marketing Management I Spanish 6
2nd Management Accounting Spanish 6
2nd Public Sector Economy Spanish 6

Third Year

Third Year Courses
Semester Courses Language Credits
1st World Economy Spanish 6
1st Financial Management I Spanish 6
1st Econometrics Spanish 6
1st Design and Functioning of Organisations Spanish 6
1st Operative Research Spanish 6
2nd Spanish Economy Spanish 6
2nd Strategic Management I Spanish 6
2nd Finance Management 2 Spanish 6
2nd Production Management and Administration Spanish 6
2nd Marketing Management II Spanish 6

Fourth Year

Fourth Year Courses
Semester Courses Language Credits
1st International Management and Business Cooperation Spanish 6
1st Strategic Management II Spanish 6
1st Marketing Management III Spanish 6
1st Elective Course 1 Spanish 6
1st Elective Course 2 Spanish 6
2nd Business Creation Spanish 6
2nd Elective Course 3 Spanish 6
2nd Two elective courses (4 and 5) or Internship Spanish 12
2nd Bachelor´s dissertation Spanish 6

Fourth Year (Electives Courses)

Fourth Year (Electives Courses)
Semester Courses Language Credits
1st Economic Internationalization Spanish 6
1st Local development and strategic land planning Spanish 6
1st Business Taxation Spanish 6
1st Macroeconomic environment of business Spanish 6
2nd Business Simulation Spanish 6
2nd Market Research Spanish 6
2nd Strategic Accounting Spanish 6
2nd Innovation, quality and technology management Spanish 6

The Bachelor’s Dissertation (Trabajo Fin de Grado or TFG) includes a writing and a presentation according to the TFG Regulations of the Faculty of Social and Juridical Sciences as well as to the general TFG Regulations of the University of Jaén. You can find additional information about the Bachelor’s dissertation, subjects, teaching staff, deadlines, etc., on the web page of the Faculty of Social and Juridical Sciences.

In a context in which information, business and society in general are increasingly globalised, extending your training experience to other Spanish and foreign universities is key to improving your CV. In addition to the national mobility programmes available, the University of Jaén allows you to engage in international study through international mobility programmes with hundreds of universities around the world, modules in foreign languages, language training programmes, cultural exchanges and many more opportunities. These programmes will enhance your employability and place you in a better position on the labour market once you finish your studies.

The Diploma Supplement is the document that accompanies the official university degree and valid throughout the national territory with the unified information, personalized for each university graduate, about the studies completed, the results obtained, the professional skills acquired and the level of their degree in the national higher education system.

You can obtain information about the procedure to get it by clicking here (opens in a new window).

Joint program of Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management (University of Jaén) and Bachelor of Arts in International Business (FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany)

You can follow this Joint program studying the third year of Bachelor of Arts in International Business at the FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences. Courses are followed in English and German. A minimum English level equivalent to the level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required. You can enroll this program at the Annual Erasmus Call for applications.

Joint program of Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management (University of Jaén) and Bachelor of Arts in Business (University of Hull, United Kingdom)

You can follow this Joint program studying a year of Bachelor of Arts in Business and an additional internship period at the United Kingdom. Courses are followed in English. The call for applications is open in November at the Internationalization web page.

La docencia en las asignaturas de todos los grados de la Universidad de Jaén está adscrita a sus Departamentos y estos son responsables, por ejemplo, de seleccionar el profesorado que imparte una determinada asignatura, o de la revisión de la calificación final de tu examen en los casos previstos por el Reglamento de régimen académico y de evaluación del alumnado de la Universidad de Jaén.

Para conocer el Departamento de la Universidad de Jaén responsable de una asignatura consulta su guía docente.

Complementary Study Programs

The University of Jaén is committed to an integral training of its students. On this page you will find complementary training activities that will allow you to configure a comprehensive curriculum that favors your employability and your professional and personal development. Check this page regularly because the information is continuously updated.

There are no programs of complementary studies that match the specified filter criteria.

Career Guidance

Careers guidance

The University of Jaén offers expert technical support for careers guidance via the Student Support Service.

The University of Jaén has a well-established internship programme (Ícaro Program) that can provide the experience you need. You can also get access to information about internships at the website of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law. Moreover, you can access to our Program on Knowledge Transfer, Entrepreneurship and Employment (Plan de Apoyo a la Transferencia del Conocimiento, el Emprendimiento y la Empleabilidad).

The Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management at the University of Jaén is designed with your future employability in mind, opening the doors to a multitude of careers, which include:

  • Company management
  • Financial management
  • Production management
  • Commercial management
  • Administration and accounting
  • Banking
  • Economics
  • Management
  • Financial control
  • Intervention
  • Finance and tax inspection
  • Auditing
  • Advertising


El sistema de garantía de calidad de la Universidad de Jaén se estructura en dos niveles de responsabilidad. Por una parte, a través del Vicerrectorado con competencias que coordina los procesos de evaluación de calidad de las titulaciones, departamentos y servicios y, por otra, del Centro responsable del título, que aplica su Sistema de Garantía de Calidad. Es la Comisión de Garantía Interna de Calidad del Centro la encargada de supervisar la aplicación todos los procedimientos de control y mejora de la calidad de sus títulos.

Puedes consultar y descargar el plan de mejora de este título y, en su caso, otros documentos relativos al SGIC haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

Todos los títulos oficiales de la Universidad de Jaén están sujetos a distintos procesos de evaluación realizados desde la Dirección de Evaluación y Acreditación (DEVA) de la Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento. Para acceder a los informes de evaluación de esta titulación relacionados con la verificación, modificación, seguimiento y renovación de la acreditación, selecciónalo en la aplicación de informes de evaluación de títulos de la DEVA.

Puedes consultar y descargar los informes relativos al seguimiento y la renovación de la Acreditación del título, haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

En las secciones “Estudiantes” y “Satisfacción de los grupos de interés” del anuario estadístico de la Universidad de Jaén podrás encontrar información relevante para tu titulación como el número de estudiantes de nuevo ingreso, los resultados académicos o el grado de satisfacción del alumnado con tu titulación.

También puede interesarte consultar los informes de abandonos en las titulaciones de la Universidad de Jaén.

Puedes consultar y descargar más información específica de este título haciendo clic aquí (se abre en una ventana nueva).

Un elemento importante en el análisis de la calidad del título son los estudios sobre la inserción laboral de los titulados de la Universidad de Jaén, en los que podrás encontrar las salidas profesionales más habituales de las personas que cursaron este grado antes que tú.

Los Departamentos aprueban el Plan de Organización Docente del Departamento y se encargan de la coordinación de los programas y el desarrollo y la calidad de la docencia de las asignaturas que tienen adscritas. La Dirección del Centro elabora el horario de clases y el calendario de exámenes velando por la coordinación general de las asignaturas impartidas por los distintos Departamentos y Áreas de conocimiento.

La coordinación se desarrolla a dos niveles, uno horizontal, estableciendo reuniones periódicas entre los profesores implicados en la docencia de un curso académico, y otra vertical, coordinando la docencia entre los distintos cursos académicos.

Dentro del Sistema de Garantía de Calidad, es la Comisión de Garantía de Calidad del Centro y las Comisiones de Seguimiento de los títulos que de ella se deriven las encargadas de velar por la realización de las sesiones necesarias para facilitar la coordinación correcta en todas las actividades del programa formativo, así como de la propuesta de las acciones de mejora necesarias que garanticen un mejor desarrollo de las enseñanzas.